The average house price on WYNFORD VILLAS is £277,879
The most expensive house in the street is 1 WYNFORD VILLAS with an estimated value of £338,891
The cheapest house in the street is 7 WYNFORD VILLAS with an estimated value of £193,766
The house which was most recently sold was 3 WYNFORD VILLAS, this sold on 9 Oct 2020 for £260,000
The postcode for WYNFORD VILLAS is GL19 3AL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 WYNFORD VILLAS Semi-Detached £338,891 £59,950 24 May 1996
3 WYNFORD VILLAS Semi-Detached £307,259 £260,000 9 Oct 2020
5 WYNFORD VILLAS Terraced £322,099 £190,000 8 Aug 2008
6 WYNFORD VILLAS Semi-Detached £273,963 £220,000 24 May 2019
7 WYNFORD VILLAS Semi-Detached £193,766 £66,000 31 May 2002
12 WYNFORD VILLAS Terraced £231,296 £130,000 24 Mar 2006